Email Marketing

Highly Targeted and Relevant Email Marketing - Built to perform and deliver

Using our wealth of experience in handling traditional data, campaign planning, and execution, combined with an in-depth knowledge of email marketing, we produce email marketing campaigns that are cost-effective and most importantly, engaging for the consumer. In addition, groupO can provide advertisers with a full design service reflecting the unique creative requirements of email marketing.

Our email solution empowers you to fully leverage your existing database as a single source of customer insight, while utilizing a sophisticated range of analytics, enhanced reporting, and robust email marketing execution capabilities to create a unique closed-loop optimization process.

Permission Based Marketing

We give clients access to millions of consumer files that have ‘opted in’ to receive your offers, and offer you the opportunity to build ‘Look a Like’ data pools from within our active database.

Our solution enables you to think beyond list broking, and emails, and more towards full relevant database marketing and single user multi-channel capabilities.

If you want to be successful in the email channel let us help you to make your campaigns timely and relevant by utilising the advanced features and functionality that our email solution can  offer  and deliver.

Our campaign management solution has a number of key features and benefits which help make us a clear leader in this field.

IAB UK 2013
Almost 90% of UK brands consider email to play an important/very important role in their marketing and business strategies. This is unsurprising – respondents to the IAB 2021 survey on marketing spending, confirmed that their email programs deliver an average ROI of over £30 for every £1 spent. A year ago email as a marketing channel looked set for a fall, with the rise of social media and apps. It now appears that email is coming back with a vengeance and is currently generating the highest ROI of any online marketing channel

IAB UK 2013

Here are just a few of the tools available to you : -

Activity and History Tracking

A centralized repository logs all elements of your deployment history, as well as campaign activities upon delivery, and engagement by recipients.


To ensure that your campaigns meet known industry standards for permission-based opt-in messaging, the platform automates the handling of unsubscribes and bounce-backs.  Alterian Dynamic Messenger also supports automated trigger campaigns to capture and respond to website data or deliver alerts based on defined actions.


Integrate your marketing programs with existing CRM, SFA, Data Warehouses, eCommerce, or other systems through a Web Services API.


Complete with a built-in relational database and content server that are highly scalable to fit any user requirements and business objectives.

User Management

Access to all data, content, and functionality, meaning campaigns can be defined by a user group to accommodate the varied needs of different internal company departments.  Thus ensuring appropriate controls are at the corporate level, over messaging, content, and compliance, while still permitting localized campaign selection and execution.

Online Activity Management

Enhance your outbound email campaigns by incorporating landing pages, truly dynamic and tracked RSS feeds, URLs, microsites, surveys, coupons, and registration forms.  Enhancing the relevancy and personalization for your customers.

Creative Builder

Users can upload creative content, create and manage templates, and preview campaigns allowing a truly engaged client experience.

List Management

Lists can be saved, created, and selected in Alterian Messenger, from other Alterian Integrated Marketing Platform modules, or, imported from external sources.  We also automatically incorporate inbound data, such as bounces and unsubscribe requests by flagging or removing records.


Real-time reporting provides visibility within and across campaigns to all relevant metrics down to the individual, and right up to the minute.