

Find your new customers by understanding your existing ones.

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At groupO,  using our own data, and many other leading data files, we offer our clients a more intelligent and considered approach to email marketing.

The concept of building prospect datapools is a sound one, and has been around for sometime in the offline world of direct marketing.

groupO replicate these same tried and tested principles within the email channel to create bespoke datapools for its clients.

How do we do it?  

We will take a sample file of your existing customers and overlay these profiles onto the groupO data, and our partner files, and by doing so we can  then extract the addresses of all the prospects that exactly, or  very closely, match those of your existing customers.

These newly extracted ‘Look a Like’  profiles are then used to create a dynamic prospect datapool. As they closely match the profiles of your existing customers they are most likely to be the best responders to any of your new campaigns and offers. 

By building datapools with us you will no longer  need to waste  your valuable marketing budgets testing and analysing the many different lists available in the market. You will no longer need to waste time and resource broadcasting your new offers to a large percentage of consumers contained in lists that are probably not the best fit for your business. 

groupO promise we will save you that budget and time by building you your own unique datapool containing your very own ‘A’ list of the most relevant prospects available, and make  them all available in one place.



Using a sophisticated email delivery platform, we are able to offer specific insights into the individual consumers preferences based on their open and click activity. This enables us to quickly determine which partner files have provided the most responsive and best quality data so we can adjust your marketing spend accordingly to ensure that the best ROI is being achieved from Day 1. 

With increased pressure on response rates and tighter margins, the road to success for effective email marketing lies in the right execution and the long-term commitment to understanding the people you are marketing to. Simply mailing thousands and hoping the sums will add up is no longer a practical nor viable option for most companies, or even data owners. Gathering powerful insights and effecting change on an on-going basis is what we do.

At the end of each campaign we will provide a full report showing individual online sales activity and overall ROI reached on every broadcast.

Datapooling ensures that your target audience remains as relevant as possible to your offers, and is proven to be the most successful way to quickly increase your existing paying customer base, and your market share.